How to Have a Great Marriage
The Art And Sciene of Martial Happiness
Almost everybody remembers the “moment” they fell in love. It was wonderful; surely it would last forever. But all too often, as the years drift slowly by, that magical feeling gives way to doubt, confusion and finally despair, anger and betrayal.
How is it that marriage, which is universally approached with such optimism, leads so frequently to conflict and disillusionment? Nearly 55% of all first marriages end in separation or divorce and subsequent remarriages are even more likely to end (60%).
For 20 years I worked in a private practice at a major hospital in Toronto with over 100 physicians who referred patients to me with very troubled marriages; 93% of these couples were able to restore their marriages, usually in 6 weeks or less.
The question of course is, how did they do that? An even better question is, how can you do that? “How to Have a Great Marriage” answers that question. It is the compilation of my 40 years as a marriage therapist and details how more than 93% of these couples were able to save their marriages.
By the way, this book is also a terrific read for those who already have a good marriage but would like to understand and actualize the four pillars upon which to build a great marriage.
In “How to Have a Great Marriage” you will discover and learn:
1. The four insights that science tells us will produce a deeply satisfying and stable marriage
2. How to develop a practical, life-long and enduring basis for a happy and fulfilling marriage.
3. How to get your spouse to like you better than you like you
4. How to break the blame-game forever
5. How to get your spouse to listen to you
6. How to recover the lost affection in your marriage
7. How to replace resentment and frustration with satisfaction and joy
8. How to turn “nagging and distancing” with “understanding and respect”
9. The one and only law to marital happiness
By the way, Gary’s books are now available in audible format.
All 23 of Gary’s Books can Now Be Heard in Audio Format
You can listen to all 23 of my books including, “How to Have a Great Marriage – The Art and Science of Marital Happiness”.
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The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning
Knowing When Things Should End and How To End Them
In “The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning” you will learn how to resolve or end those difficult “rock and a hard place” situations that afflict even the best and brightest among us.
Whether you want to end a relationship, seek new employment, or let a difficult employee go, how can you know with certainty that it is time to make a change? What are the specific steps to end things in the best possible way and lastly what is the best way to “get out of Dodge” with the least amount of damage?
In “The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning” you will also learn:
1. The five steps to end the right thing in the right way at the right time
2. How to end being disrespected and to gain respect from your peers
3. How to leverage your hopelessness effectively to create the changes you need to make.
4. Hope as opposed to wishful thinking; how to know when which is what
5. Four strategies to end things
6. How to overcome inertia and resistance
7. How to end or handle unreasonable requests in the workplace
8. How to end being politically exploited in the workplace
9. Self selection: the scripted break up/break through speech
10. How to have a facilitative conversation to end things well
11. How to deal with a chronic complainer
>> Click here to purchase The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning <<
The Key to Self Mastery
How to Conquer Any Addiction
Human nature is instinctual; human organizations are instinctual and leaders are instinctual. In other words, leaders tend to use the management style that is most natural for their personality type.
This means of course, that even CEOs have blind spots; things they don’t see in themselves that others can easily see in them. This in turn causes all kinds of problems. But if you told said leader that her management style was causing complexity, she would be surprised, if not appalled. Others surely are to blame, but not them.
So what’s going on? Two very natural human tendencies; leaders on a daily basis tend to overdo their strengths and avoid areas of discomfort; that’s what.
“The Key to Self Mastery” has been written to address this pervasive, vexing and dichotomous leadership issue.
We will begin by discussing the five predictable but largely unconscious stages human beings go through when they successfully make a significant personal change. We will then analyze the nine psychological steps scientific research suggests will best help us make permanent change in our lives and then detail the 27 strategies you can use to break a bad habit, either personal or organizational, or begin a better one.
We will then examine more specifically what we can do to address our personal blind spots and expand our leadership repertoire.
In “The Key to Self Mastery” you will also learn:
1. How to be a more confident leader
2. Self-Mastery: What it is, why we need it and how do we get it?
3. How to turn your weaknesses into strengths without changing who you are
4. Nineteen bonus self mastery strategies
5. How to overcome procrastination
6. How to turn negative emotions into positive emotions

The Prize Never Chases
How To Have The Right Man Find You
The Prize Never Chases – How to Have the Right Man Find You has been written specifically for two groups of contemporary women.
The first, single professional women, in their twenties or thirties, who eventually want a fulfilling, successful, lucrative career, a great marriage and children (at the right time).
The second, women in their 40s and 50s and 60s, divorced usually, who are new to the “dating scene”, with grown children (usually), who would eventually like a new life partner (a really great man).
Sadly, women in both demographics find themselves caught in a very real dilemma – not of their own choosing, the current cultural emphasis on sexual freedom and the resulting excessive and unfettered availability of sex.
The problem is, that with the rise of the woman’s movement, the advent of the pill and the opportunity for women to express their sexuality in a more free and open fashion, the dating life for far too many women is primarily made up of joining men at bars and parties.
But not being courted by a man.
Men, of course, revel in this strange state of affairs, thinking, “Oh, you mean we are going to have sex at my place then and then you are going to run off and have drinks with your girlfriends. Really, I can actually have my cake and eat too?”
They then dance around any conversation about commitment and easily distracted by the high supply of sex available at such low cost.
Not good.
The goal of The Prize Never Chases is two-fold:
1. That you end up with a wonderful man in your life
2. That you understand and therefore control the dating process better than you ever have and certainly better than any man you meet along the way.
I call the process of women purging themselves from unhealthy relationships with less than ideal men, and having the right man find them, the “Process”.
The Process – how to have the right man find you – has three stages.
Stage One: Know Who You Really Are and What You Really Want and Need
Sage Two: Know How to Leverage the Dating and Mating Process
Stage Three: Know How to Have the Right Man Find You
In The prize never Chases, you will learn:
- How to use the strategies science says all successful women use to find a meaningful and happy marriage.
- The six-step analytical process to choosing the right man
- Know how to leverage the dating and mating process
- What makes men fall in love and stay in love?
- How to make yourself marketable
Execute Your Communication Skills or they Will Die
The Key To Superior Personal And Organizational Communication
Think of a rather difficult person you work with; a boss, a colleague, or a co-worker. You need their buy-in but they have resisted (sometimes covertly; sometimes overtly) your every effort.
“Execute your Communication Skills or they will Die” will help you turn that situation upside down. Its’ purpose is to show you, with even the most intransigently difficult person, how to:
1. Elevate the conversation (makes it a shared adult to adult collaboration)
2. Advance the relationship (change their reaction from negative to positive)
3. Create a transcendent resolution; one that has the best of what you think, the best of what they think, but a solution that is even better.
The hallmark of all great managers is the exquisite and facilitative use of language. They understand that language determines the conversation, the conversation determines the relationship and that the relationship determines the outcome.
This book is the culmination of my personal 50 year quest to fathom the depths of human interaction (yes, I am now 70 years old), my 30 years working as the CEO Coach with hundreds of executives and CEOs, thousands of corporate workshops on communication and my doctoral research exploring the best way to shape a company’s relational culture and sustain optimum organizational performance.
In “Execute your Communication Skills or they will Die”, you will learn:
1. What is communication and how important is it really?
2. Why is communication so difficult and what you can do about it
3. The four stages of communication; when and how to best make use of them
4. The most powerful communication technique of all, the law of reciprocity
5. Why and how to facilitate people’s individual temperaments
6. The seven golden facilitative questions and why the answer is always in the
7. How to leverage the four biological preferences in the other person’s brain to your mutual advantage
8. How to speak to all sixteen individual communication needs
9. The four sides of communication
10. Why relationships so often get worse instead of better
>> Click here to purchase Execute Your Communication Skills or they Will Die <<